Akinari Horii
Akinari Horii

Akinari Horii is Special Advisor and a member of the Board of Directors of the Canon Institute for Global Studies, a research think tank in Tokyo. He also sits on the Audit & Supervisory Board of Tokio Marine Holdings. He is a member of Keizai Doyukai (Japan Association of Corporate Executives), vice chairman of the United States-Japan Foundation’s Board of Trustees, and a member of Advisory Council of Japan International Cooperation Agency.
Akinari Horii was a central banker until he stepped down as Assistant Governor of the Bank of Japan in 2010. During the four-year period of governmental appointment, Mr. Horii was responsible for the Bank’s all international activities and represented the Bank of Japan at G7 Deputies, G20 Deputies, FSB and other key committees of international organizations. In Asia, he was chairman of EMEAP Working Group on Financial Markets as well as BIS/EMEAP Forex Forum. Outside the Bank, Mr. Horii also worked at the BIS in Basel, Switzerland, Japan’s Ministry of Finance, and the Institute for International Policy Studies in Tokyo.
Mr. Horii received MBA with distinction from the Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania and his BA in Economics from the University of Tokyo.