Alain Bifani
Alain Bifani

Alain Bifani is a known public figure in economics, finance and good governance, with a 20-year track record with international financial institutions, funds, central bank and governments. He managed the ministry of Finance and private institutions, led cultural change and mastered improving transparency. He has a wide experience in debt restructuring, governments, development finance, banking, capital markets, and business transformation. He is the founder / president of the Citizen Foundation, a think tank aiming at providing public policy options, and the president of SCPA Conseil. Alain achieved Lebanon’s restructuring plan to exit the crisis, reconstructed Lebanon’s financial accounts over 28 years, against all odds, to open the door for checks and balances, and led the tax transparency and exchange of information program, which aims for better compliance and the tracing of ill-gotten assets. He produced the refugee crisis economic and financial response plan within days, and introduced many laws such as the capital markets’ watchdog, VAT, petroleum management, and insider trading. He has extensive experience with lawmakers and cabinets. In charge of Lebanon’s relations with international financial institutions, foreign governments, donors and lenders, as well as SWFs and private international banks, he served three times as Chairman of the G24, and was a member of the central bank’s board, and the Higher Court of Banks, the Capital Markets’ Authority. The alternate governor to the World Bank, Alain was also the president of the Social Security Fund’s financial committee. Holder of Ecole des Hautes Etudes Commerciales (HEC Paris) diploma, Engineer (physicist) from Institut d’Optique Graduate School, he studied “Mathematiques Superieures et Speciales” at lycee Louis le Grand, and attended Leading Change and Organizational Renewal (Harvard Business School). Alain Bifani is the author of “Destructuring” (“Destructuration” in French), and he published many studies and articles. A regular guest speaker at HEC, Tufts, LSE and others, he is regularly interviewed by the Financial Times, the Banker, Le Monde, and many others. Alain is Chevalier de la Légion d’Honneur (France) and Commandeur de l’Ordre du Cèdre (Lebanon). He was named amongst Lebanon’s most influential people, namely for combatting corruption. He is the winner of the United Nations’ Public Service Award (Improving Transparency) .