Caroline Daniel
Caroline Daniel

Caroline Daniel is since April 2016 Partner at the Brunswick Group, a leading advisory firm specialising in critical issues and corporate relations, based in its London office. She was formerly Editor of FT Weekend for six years, from 2010 to 2016, overseeing all the editorial sections, as well as media partnerships and relationships with the commercial department. She was also Consulting Editor to FT Live and an FT Assistant Editor. She was previously the Comment and Analysis Editor during the financial crisis, commissioning FT columnists and thinkers from around the world for the FT’s authoritative op-ed page. From 1999 to 2007 she has served variously as the FT’s White House correspondent covering President George W Bush; Chicago correspondent and European technology correspondent. Prior to the FT, in 1998, she won the prestigious Laurence Stern Fellowship to The Washington Post. She worked for the New Statesman magazine as a feature writer and also at The Economist magazine reporting on business and science. After leaving Cambridge University in 1993 with a history degree, Caroline Daniel worked as a researcher for 18 months for Gordon Brown, the former British prime minister and was research editor for Values, Visions and Voices. Ms Daniel has extensive broadcasting experience, as a regular presenter or panelist on BBC Radio 4, BBC News, Sky News, The McLaughlin Group and The Diane Rehm Show. She has an FT non-executive director diploma, serves as a non-executive on the Samuel Johnson Prize (Britain’s leading prize for non-fiction); is a Trustee of the Institute for Public Policy Research think tank and of The Trampery, a social enterprise that designs and operates spaces for entrepreneurs.