Claudia Parzani
Claudia Parzani

Claudia Parzani has been a partner in Linklaters since 2007 in the Capital Markets department and from November 2016 she is, at a regional level within Linklaters, the managing partner for Western Europe. From end of June 2018, she is also Global Business Development and Marketing Partner of the firm. Before joining Linklaters, Claudia gained experience working with one of the first English law firms to operate in Italy and later became a partner in a competing American firm. Specializing in equity capital markets and in public M&As as well as in corporate governance matters, Claudia has assisted and advised many of the most important Italian banks and companies. In 2018, Claudia has been named by the Financial Times and HERoes campaign as a top 10 Champion of Women in Business (a recognition received also in 2017), has been included in the Forbes classification of most powerful women in Italy and was named “Lawyer of the Year – Equity Capital Markets” at the TopLegal Awards. In 2017, she was awarded “Lawyer of the Year – Equity Capital Markets” at the Legal Community Corporate M&A Awards (an award granted also in 2015) and was the recipient of the “Equal Opportunities Award” granted by the related Committee of the Milan Bar Association. In the same year, she was also listed first among 30 female Italian leading lawyers for 2016-2017 according to MAG and Legal Community. In 2016 she was selected as female lawyer of the year by Top Legal (an award obtained also in 2012) and in 2015 she was awarded “Best in capital markets: equity” at the Euromoney European Women in Business Law Awards and was the recipient of “The International Alliance for Women (TIAW) World of Difference 100 Award – Community category” for her significant contribution to the economic empowerment of women. In 2013 she was nominated by Financial Times as one of the 10 most innovative legal professionals in EuropeAlways interested in the theme of diversity, Claudia was member of the board of Valore D from 2009, the year of its foundation, to November 2016 and from June 2013 to June 2016 she was appointed as president of Valore D, the leading association in Italy for prominent corporates and financial institutions committed to supporting and increasing female leadership and promote the goal of increased female participation in the corporate world. She is the founder of “Breakfast@Linklaters”, an initiative to develop a communication network amongst female executives. In 2017, Claudia contributed to the launching in Italy of the Inspiring Girls campaign, an innovative mentoring program connecting female role models and young girls around the world. She is the Chair and the ambassador of the initiative for Italy. Claudia is Chair of Allianz S.p.A. and Deputy Chair of Borsa Italiana S.p.A. and external member of the Board of Directors of Politecnico di Milano. In the past, she was a non-executive member of the board of directors of Il Sole 24 Ore S.p.A. and Moleskine S.p.A.