Fouad Alghanim
Fouad Alghanim

Fouad Alghanim is Chairman of Fouad Alghanim & Sons Group of Companies with A multi-billion dollar yearly turn over, body of companies consisting of number of fully independent divisions as well as fully and partly owned subsidiary companies based in the U.S, Europe, Africa and the Middle East and Australia. As the owner of Alghanim International, Mr. Fouad Alghanim managed to steer this civil contracting company to be one of the largest Power Construction Co. in the Mena region with a total erected capacity of 7 Giga Watt which is more than 50% of Kuwait Power and with a multi-billion $ turnover yearly and earned the distinction as the only EPC Contractor in the Power Generation Sector in Kuwait. Fouad Alghanim & Sons Group consists of more than 50 Companies. Mr. Alghanim also holds the following positions: Chairman, Advanced Technology Company, Kuwait – One of the largest health-care equipment supplier and service provider – enjoying over 50% of the market share in Kuwait; Member, U.S Middle East Project, U.S.A; Member, Society for the care of Arab Children; Board Member, World Economic Forum; Member, International Council of the Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs, U.S.A.; Founder Member, Global Anti-Corruption Education & Training (ACET) initiative, ACSE Foundation, 1801-Alexander Bell Drive, 3rd Floor, Reston, VA 20191, U.S.A.; Member of the Advisory Board, Crown Center for Middle East Studies, Brandeis University, USA; President of Kuwait Russia Business Council; Member of the Advisory Council for the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace (CEIP) – Carnegie Middle East program; Founding member of the Arab Thought.