Lars Rohde
Lars Rohde

Lars Rohde has been appointed as of 1st February 2013, Governor by Royal Appointment, Chairman of the Board of Governors of Danmarks Nationalbank and Governor for Denmark, International Monetary Fund. Lars Rohde has been CEO at ATP from 1998-2013. ATP has over the last years received numerous of the prestigious international awards for investment and risk management. Lars Rohde holds a MSc (econ) from School of Economics and Management, University of Aarhus. In the beginning of the 1980’ies, he worked at the Danish Central Bank as an economist before joining the Doctors Pension Fund first as head of asset management in 1985 and later as CEO. In 1989 he became head of funding and asset management at Realkredit Danmark, one of the leading Danish Mortgages Banks. From 1992 to 1998 he was a member of the Board of Management. From 1997 he served as Deputy CEO. From 1993 to 1996 Lars Rohde served as a member of the Board of the Copenhagen Stock Exchange. From 2002-2011 he has been a member of the Danish Committee on Corporate Governance and in 2009 he was appointed member of the Danish Forum on Growth, established by the Danish government. Furthermore he has been Expert member of the Swedish government commission on National Pension Fund in 2011, member of the board of Aarhus University 2011-12, member of the board of FIH Erhvervsbank and FIH Holding 2011-12 and member of Long Term Investors Council for the World Economic Forum 2011-12