Maryam Khansari
Maryam Khansari

Maryam Khansari is the General Manager at one of Iran’s top construction companies. Herison Company is one of the country’s oldest companies, working on a wide range of infrastructure projects such as industrial sites, power stations, refineries, sports complexes, sewage treatment plants, residential buildings, roads and bridges, for over sixty years.
She is also the International Relations Manager at the Syndicate of Construction Companies of Iran, the oldest syndication of firms in construction industry and the leading association advocating the rights of the private sector in engineering and construction. Maryam also teaches graduate students at the Industrial Management Institute (IMI), Iran’s top business school. Maryam holds a Doctorate in Business Administration from Université Montesquieu – Bordeaux IV in France, as well as a Masters Degree in System and Productivity Management and an MBA. She started out as an industrial engineer and still feels an engineer at heart.
She is passionate about social entrepreneurship, volunteering and networking.