Mugur Isarescu
Mugur Isarescu

Mugur Isarescu is currently Governor of the National Bank of Romania. He earned a Ph.D. in Economics from the Academy of Economics of Bucharest. In 1990, Dr. Isarescu joined the Institute for World Economy in Bucharest as Senior Fellow and Head of Department; was named Second Secretary at the Romanian Embassy in Washington D.C.; and was appointed Governor of the National Bank of Romania and Chairman of the the Board of Directors, reappointed as such in July 1991 – appointed also as Governor for Romania within the Board of Governors of the International Monetary Fund. In 1993, he was designated Member of the Club of Rome and President of its Romanian Chapter. In 1998, he was named Deputy Chairman of the Governors Club of the Central Banks from the Balkan, the Black Sea and Central Asia areas. In September 1998, he became Honorary member of the Forex Club in Romania. He was reappointed in December 1998 and in 2000 Governor of the National Bank of Romania and in November 1999, President of the Romanian Chapter of the Club of Rome. In 1999 he was Prime Minister for a 12 months mandate. He was successively appointed Corresponding Member of the Romanian Academy in 2001; Member of the Advisory Board of the Regional Office for Europe and CSI within PNUD in 2002; Chairman of the Governors’ Club of the Central Banks from the Balkan, the Black Sea and Central Asia areas and Professor at the Economics Studies Academy in Bucharest in 2002-2004; Vice President of ADIRI (Association for International Law and International Relations. Dr. Isarescu is author of a number of papers, articles and books on economics.