Patrick Buffet
Patrick Buffet

Patrick Buffet was Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of ERAMET in Paris and likewise Chairman and CEO of the Company Le Nickel, Member of the Board of Directors of Comilog, from April 2007 to May 2017. He is now Chairman of P.B.A. Sas, Member of Supervisory Boards or Senior advisor for industrial and insurance companies. He is also member of the French “Académie des Technologies”. He graduated as an Ingenieur (Corps des Mines). Throughout his career, he held the following positions: Program Manager for Industrial Development, Office of the Prefect for the Rhônes-Alpes Region and General Delegate in October 1978-July 1981; French Ministry of Research and Industry: Department of Energy and Raw Materials, Chief of the Major Projects Bureau (nickel, potassium, phosphates, geothermal energy) in July 1981-December 1982; Technical Advisor for the energy and raw materials sectors to the French Minister of Industry and Research in December 1982-July 1984; Chief of staff of the French Minister of Energy in July 1984-April 1986; E.M.C. Director of Planning, Development and Management Control in May 1986-April 1989; Chairman and CEO of Sanders S.A., subsidiary of Entreprise Minière et Chimique (E.M.C.), French leader in cattle feed in April 1989-June 1991; Industry advisor to the President of the French Republic with responsibility for the following sectors: industry, energy, research, innovation, telecommunications, equipment, transportation, national and regional development in June 1991-March 1994; Member of the Management Committee, Director of Industrial Investments and Business Strategy, Société Générale de Belgique, Member of the Board of Directors, Union Minière, Recticel, and Finoutremer, Société Générale de Belgique in March 1994-January 1998; Executive Vice President and Member of the Executive Committee of Suez Lyonnaise des Eaux and Member of the Executive Committee of the Société Générale de Belgique in February 1998-May 2001; Senior Executive Vice President SUEZ Group, in charge of : Business Strategy, Development, Research, Innovation, Environment, Strategic industrial customer accounts ; International Department; Corporate Sales – France; Director of Suez subsidiaries : Suez Tractebel, Electrabel, Fluxys, Suez Energy Services; Member of the Supervisory Board of AREVA in May 2001 – April 2007. Mr. Buffet’s other personal responsibilities included being Member of the Board of Directors of Bureau Veritas, of Rhodia and Member of the Supervisory Board of Arcole Industries and Member of the Board of Directors of BANIMMO (Belgium).