Tove Lifvendahl
Tove Lifvendahl

Tove Lifvendahl is currently Political Editor-in-Chief at daily newspaper Svenska Dagbladet in Stockholm. She is also a lecturer and regulary comments political news in public television. She is the author and co-author of several books on social affairs, migration, integration and social entrepreneurship. Prior to joining Svenska Dagbladet, Ms. Lifvendahl has been Senior Fellow at independent think tank Fores, Director of Communication at the Confederation of Swedish Enterprise, and a senior consultant in strategic communication and public affairs at the JKL Group. She has also had several assignments in the third sector, and was during 2013–2015 advisor to The Swedish Crown Princess Couple’s Foundation, which aims to promote good health and combat exclusion among children and young people in Sweden. She is a member of the advisory board for Stockholm Philanthropy Symposium, a yearly event which offer a national meeting point for the enhancement of philanthropy in Sweden.