Vyara Ankova
Vyara Ankova

Vyara Ankova is Executive Director of Nova Broadcasting Group (NBG) – the leading Bulgarian media enterprise with a strong footprint in digital and TV in Sofia. She joined NBG‘s team in 2017 as General Director News. Between 2010 and 2017 she was Director General of Bulgarian National Television (BNT). On this position she has won many awards, including “Golden Quill” from the Union of the Bulgarian Journalists, “Golden Century – Golden Star” - second highest honor from the Ministry of Culture, special award for the mission for the benefit of society, highest honor from the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences for the support of the Bulgarian scientific society, award from the Bulgarian Red Cross. Vyara Ankova was a stringer for CNN from Bulgaria in the program World Report from 1992 to 1996. For a long period of time, she was editor and news presenter of the prime time news program “Around the World and at Home” of BNT until 2000, when she became a correspondent of Bulgarian public broadcaster in Greece. In 2004 she came back to Bulgaria to take the position of Head of News, Current Affairs and Sport in BNT for a period of 6 years. Mrs. Ankova graduated in English Philology from Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski” and specialized in Executive Program for Leaders, Harvard University (Massachusetts, USA), Training Programs for TV Executives - European Broadcasting Union (Barcelona, Los Angeles, New York) andjournalism in BBC (London, England), CNN (Atlanta, USA) and Stevens Point University (Wisconsin, USA).